Saturday, December 27, 2008

Pride and Prejudice Fanatic

Pride and Prejudice Fanatic.
While my fellows in Sacred Heart are having FUN in Beijing, I got stuck in this Bumfuck and working my ass off for these stupid assignments which deal after the break. -HUGE SIGH-


But in here, I got movies to watch on TV, so... not that pathetic then.

I watched Pride and Prejudice today, and it made me stuck onto the couch for two whole hours. From 9 to 12.
I've watched it before, but it really got me this time.

Maybe it's because I had made this decision of not liking this Darcy dude before I watched the movie for the first time. But this time, I actually thrown away this biased opinion about this dude and watched this movie kind of wholeheartedly. AND OMYGAWWWWD, it's so FRIGGIN sweet.

I like how Mr. Darcy did so much for Elizabeth and how he didn't want brag about it. Such a gentleman. I espeically like the ending part, the scene of Elizabeth and Mr. Bennet, it's so sweet when Elizabeth told her father she and Mr. Darcy were so much alike, they're both stubborn, and the tears in their eyes just- WHAM- OMYGAWWWD. HAD I MENTIONED THIS MOVIE IS ENDEARING????

And of course, the very very ending part is sickingly sweet too.

This story got it ALL, the evil Lady Catherine, the gentleman Mr. Bingley, the cool guy Mr. Darcy, the romantic Elizabeth, the sweet sister Jane, the annoying groupie Lydia, the evil pretty boy Mr. Wickham, the adorable father Mr. Bennet, the annoying mom Mrs. Bennet.... and so much more.

Movies can give you vision but the books cannot. Not to mention, the background music is refreshing.

At the end, Edward Cullen came into my mind while the credits were rolling. He and Mr. Darcy are kind of alike too, both are sweet and gentleman like. But Elizabeth is more a loving character than Bella, in my opinion.

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